I am a strong believer in data privacy and therefore I do my best to minimise the data I collect and share with third parties.

In this policy, I lay out what data I collect and why.

Site Visitors

As you may have noticed, there is no cookie pop-up when you visit eroticmythology.com. I don't use any tracking of individual people and there is no advertisement on this website that tracks where you click. I do collect anonymised usage data from visitors to find out which posts are popular and where my readers were referred to my website from. In order to do that I'm using Ghostboard's script which will neither track individual visitors nor use or read cookies. You can view the data Ghostboard collects in their live demo.

The following data is collected from visitors, encrypted:

  1. browser language
  2. useragent (browser description)
  3. visit time
  4. visited URL
  5. referer URL
  6. IP address, anonymised (last octet is removed)

The anonymised IP is not saved into any database or in any other form, it is used on-the-fly to determine the visitor' country.

Please see the Ghostboard Privacy Policy for more information.


I will ask for a user name and e-mail address which are stored natively in a database on my server hosted in the Netherlands. Only I have access to the back-end. Some additional information like the page you signed up from and your last login are stored too.

The following data is collected from visitors and stored in a database on my server:

Name: the name you picked upon sign-up

E-mail: the e-mail address you used for sign-up

Status: type of subscription you chose and the tier if applicable

Created: date on which your account was created

Location: the country you last logged in from

Signup info: referring page if applicable and page on eroticmythology.com from which the signup was initiated

Newsletters: which newsletters you are subscribed to if applicable

Activity: logging in, subscribing / unsubscribing from newsletters, and making payments is logged with time and date

I'm using Mailgun to send newsletters. I do not use tracking pixels or tracking links in my newsletters, so I do not see who opens my newsletters or which links you click. I would prefer native newsletters but I have to rely on a third party provider because it is difficult to self-host an e-mail server for bulk e-mail.

In the context of using Mailgun's services, namely creating and sending e-mail newsletters, Mailgun has access to the information contained in the subject and content of the e-mails that I send out using their service, as well as the e-mail address you provided to receive my newsletters.

Mailgun stores the bodies of messages for up to seven days. For outgoing messages, temporary storage allows their systems to attempt to re-deliver messages that could not be delivered on the first attempt.

The metadata of a message, which includes the sender, recipient(s), subject line, originating IP address and other routing data is indexed and maintained for 30 days.

Mailgun complies with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

For details, see Mailgun's privacy policy.

For paid subscribers, in addition to the data that is stored on my own server and the use of Mailgun if you opted in for newsletters, I need to use Stripe as a payment provider.

The billing information and the payment process is handled by Stripe. See the Stripe Privacy Policy for full details.