Aimée Maroux

Aimée Maroux

I read and write mythology porn stories 🌹

Interview: Tigress of Futan

I spoke to April Garrus about the series Tigress of Futan and you will find a hot preview below the interview!

Fiction: Hermes & Charon: Treasure Hunters

This is the Charmes fanfic I wrote for the Beach Episode fanzine.

Kinktober 2023

I am once again attempting 31 Kinktober shorts. This time combined with ClassicsTober prompts for an extra challenge.

Fiction: Demeter Puts Bratty Minthe in Her Place

Minthe made the mistake of bad-mouthing Persephone. Now Mama Demeter is gonna crush her like a weed. One orgasm at a time.

Announcement: Cover Art by The Last Bacchae

I gave myself a birthday present: the creators of the comic "The Last Bacchae", will make the cover srt for my upcoming book!

Fiction: Hotwife in Spring, Part 1

"How about," Persephone interjected, "We make a little competition out of it? First to be hard again gets to fuck me."

Fiction: Hermes and Baby Dionysos (SFW)

Hermes rescues baby Dionysos.

Fiction: Queen of Happiness (Hathor x Ariadne)

While at the Festival of Drunkenness in Dendera, Egypt, Ariadne catches the eye of the powerful goddess Hathor...

Fiction: A Good Pounding (Aphrodite / Artemis)

Aphrodite shows Artemis her new invention: the strap-on

Mythology Monday: Work

The Greek Gods of Work: find out who watches over which kinds of tasks.