While at the Festival of Drunkenness in Dendera, Egypt, Ariadne catches the eye of the powerful goddess Hathor...
Fiction: A Good Pounding (Aphrodite / Artemis)
Aphrodite shows Artemis her new invention: the strap-on
Fiction: Pandora's Box (F/F)
When Zeus ordered the creation of Pandora, it was Peitho and the Charites who put golden necklaces around her neck. Peithos is quite taken with their work...
Illustrated Fiction: Horny for the Bride (Hebe / Psyche)
Last year's runner-up for Pride Month, Hebe and Psyche: the Goddess of Youth seduces the young bride!
Illustrated Fiction: The L in Valkyrie (F/F)
The Valkyrie Hrist has chosen a battle-hardened shield-maiden for Vahalla. And she is head over heels...