
Mastodon for Creators

Dear fellow creators, this article is for you. For us creators who need to reach our audience to make a living. Here's how to get you started!

Same Sex Love in Ancient Literature Quotes

For Pride Month: A collection of quotes from ancient works that unambiguously talk about romantic or erotic attraction to the same sex.

Sex Change in Greek Mythology

Find out which Greek and Roman myths feature sex change!

Artist Spotlight: The Life and Works of Sappho

Very little is known about Sappho's life and of her body of work only a few hundred lines with one or two complete poems survive. And yet her beautiful poetry captivates readers even 2500 years after her death.

Mythology Monday: The Ancient Origins of Easter

This article is an exploration of the ancient origins of Easter customs and the mythology surrounding them.

Mythology Monday: Divine Marriages

My #MythologyMonday thread on divine marriages in easy-to-read article form.

Mythology Monday: Sacred Plants of the Greek Gods

The sacred plants of the major Greek gods explained.

Birds of Greek Mythology

It's #NationalBirdDay so I want to talk about birds in Greek mythology.

Mythology Monday: The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Originally a sight-seeing guide, ancient travellers listed the marvels they encountered on their trips. Meet the most popular sights of the ancient Mediterranean here!

Hermaphroditos – Neither Man Nor Woman, But Both

Hermaphroditos was born to Aphrodite and Hermes, the gods representing female and male sexuality. The name is compounded of Hermes and Aphrodite, and means "half-male".