Fiction: Hearts and Crafts (Pygmalia / her sculpture)

Hello my lovelies,
I am proud to present to you my lesbian retelling of the Pygmalion myth!
Find the illustrated story here with a beautiful Pygmalia working on her sculpture created by Arja. Have a little sneak peek here:

Aphrodite of Knidos: allegedly the first sculpture to depict the goddess Aphrodite in the nude and a celebrity in her day.
Athene Erganê: "Athena the Worker", an epithet of Athena
chryselephantine: literally gold (chrysos) and ivory (elephantinos) with ivory used for the flesh and gold for clothes, hair, jewellery, weapons and so on.
Hephaistos Polytekhnês: "Hephaistos of Many Crafts", an epithet of Hephaistos
horn: a euphemism for the clitoris, borrowed from a hymn to Inanna
Kypria: an epithet of Aphrodite
Kypros: the ancient Greek name for the island of Cyprus
myrtle berry: a poetic way to say clitoris. Myrtle was sacred to Aphrodite.
myrtle lips: a poetic way to say labia. Myrtle was sacred to Aphrodite.
peplos: an ancient Greek garment worn by women. It looks like this.
The title is a play on "arts and crafts".