Illustrated Fiction: Beauty Treatment (Aphrodite / Demeter)

Illustrated Fiction: Beauty Treatment (Aphrodite / Demeter)
Illustration created for this story by Sinita

Hello my lovely demigoddesses and demigods,

this story's illustration was created by the amazingly skilled Sinita, whose design of my Demeter I absolutely adore. She created beautiful sapphic art for Demeter and the dryad and hot het for Demeter and the farm boy who stepped up as well as numerous other stories.

This encounter between Demeter and Aphrodite is supposed to happen before Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos and before some of the younger gods were born. Aphrodite joined the Olympian gods fairly recently and Demeter does not yet have her daughter Persephone.


chiton: an ancient Greek piece of clothing akin to the Roman tunic.

Deo: another name for Demeter. Li Österberg has Hekate use it for Demeter like an endearment which inspired me to use it too.

Foam-Born: an epithet of Aphrodite referencing her birth from sea foam gathering around the severed genitals of Ouranos.

hearth: ancient Greek slang term for the vagina, one of several based on the idea that the phallus is baked inside the vagina.

himation: a type of clothing worn as a cloak or shawl by ancient Greek men and women. It was usually draped over a chiton.

Kharites: the Graces

klinai: plural of klinē, an ancient Greek couch or bed. We get the English word "recline" from it.

kosmos: κόσμος, the order of the universe.

Kypris: "of cyprus", an epithet of Aphrodite

Moirai: the Fates

myrtle lips: labia

Paphia: an epithet of Aphrodite derived from the celebrated temple of the goddess at Paphos in Cyprus.

sow: an ancient Greek word for the vulva, inspired by the bristly pubic hair growing after depilation. Pigs are sacrificed to Demeter, so I thought she would be using this euphemism.

strophion: ancestor of the bra, a linen band wrapped around the breasts to give them some support. Aphrodite can be seen putting it on or removing it here.

Titanomachia: the Titan War ignited by Zeus freeing his siblings who had been swallowed by their father Kronos. Zeus and his siblings go to war, challenging Kronos and his rule. The Titan War ends with Kronos imprisoned in Tartaros and Zeus splitting the sky, the sea, and the underworld by drawing lots with his brothers.